As part of our responsive activities to COVID-19, we have launched a repository of resources on ethical aspects of the pandemic.

Academic papers, opinion articles and guidance documents on COVID-19 are being published at a rapid rate. We have created this repository to help those interested in the ethical considerations of fast-developing government and societal responses.

The repository lists recently published resources from other organisations, researchers, commentators, and governmental organisations. Resource categories include:

  • Opinions and blogs
  • Other news pieces
  • Journal articles
  • Guidance and policy
  • Multimedia content
  • Resource collections on other websites

The repository will be updated on a rolling basis as new commentary, guidance, and updates arise on the ethical issues and implications of the pandemic.

Please note that the resources listed in the repository do not constitute the opinion of the Nuffield Council on Bioethics. Our work on COVID-19 is available here.

To suggest an addition to this repository, please contact Sophia Griffiths.
