The Nuffield Council on Bioethics has long been committed to the principles of equality and inclusivity, and to the reduction and elimination of disadvantage in all the areas that it examines.

Recent events, and the important increase in visibility of Black Lives Matter have rightly given us all pause for thought about whether and how we are actively contributing to necessary change.

Our work aims, amongst other things, to reduce inequalities in society. We focus on ethical issues that affect people across society; we listen to and engage with diverse voices across society; and we press for policy changes to create a more just society.

The events of the last few weeks have made us realise that this is not enough. We need to listen more. We need to engage more effectively. We recognise this moment as one which calls on us to reflect further on how we can address inequalities within our organisation, and how through our work, our reports, and our activities we can contribute more effectively to meaningful change.

We offer our support and solidarity with Black Lives Matter and those trying to make an equal society for us all. It is ethically right that we do so.

Dave Archard, Chair

Hugh Whittall, Director

On behalf of the members of the Nuffield Council on Bioethics.
