Exploring public views on assisted dying

Current Project

Public engagement

A public engagement project to explore people's views on assisted dying in England.

AD image from HVM Feb 2024

Content Group

Our assisted dying public engagement project is supported by a Content Group.

Distinct from the Advisory Board (who provide oversight on the overall project process and planning), the Content Group’s role is to support the project team to ensure overall the evidence, content, and stimulus materials presented to the Citizens’ Jury and to survey respondents, is balanced, accurate, and accessible. They also advise on the range of speakers for the Citizens’ Jury.

Our Content Group members have been selected on the basis of their professional backgrounds and/or published work on the subject, and the group as a whole represents a broad range of views on assisted dying.

View the register of interests for the Content Group (March 2024).

Richard Huxtable 2022

Richard Huxtable

Professor of Medical Ethics and Law, University of Bristol

Richard is in favour of adopting a “middle ground” (or compromise) position on assisted dying, which seeks to accommodate arguments for and against allowing assisted dying.

Emily Jackson

Emily Jackson OBE

Professor of Law, London School of Economics and Political Science

Emily is in favour of a change in the law to permit assisted dying where the patient’s suffering is unbearable and irremediable.

Trudo Lemmens

Trudo Lemmens

Professor and Scholl Chair in Health Law and Policy at the Faculty of Law and the Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto

Trudo has supported (including as an expert witness in litigation) the first Canadian law that allowed euthanasia and assisted suicide in a broad end-of-life context. He is opposed to legalising the practice outside a clearly delineated end-of-life context. He is increasingly concerned, particularly based on his study of developments in broad euthanasia regimes, about the ability to adequately monitor the practice and the overall impact on health care practice and health policy.

Claud Regnard FRCP Assisted Dying Content Group member CROPPED

Claud Regnard FRCP

Retired Consultant in Palliative Care Medicine.

Claud gathers evidence for ‘Keep Assisted Dying Out of Healthcare (KADOH)’. He is an agnostic in relation to faith/religion and is sceptical of the medical model of assisted dying that is being proposed in UK jurisdictions.
