6 out of 245 results
Engagement in open policy making; Or How to train your academic
05 Feb 2013 by Peter Mills
I've been meaning to write a post about science minister David Willetts' Eight Great Technologie...
From the heart: giving organ donation the X Factor
15 Feb 2013 by Sarah Walker-Robson
The night before last I got home to find a letter from NHSBT on my doormat. It was a reminder to boo...
Box Office Bioethics: less pizzazz than the Oscars but plenty of hot potatoes
25 Feb 2013 by Ranveig Svenning Berg
Today, as people from across the film industry sleep off their celebration or disappointment followi...
Council member Q&A
08 Mar 2013 by Sarah Walker-Robson
In this post, I asked four departing members of Council - Sian Harding, Ray Hill, Mick Moran and Ali...
More on mitochondria
19 Mar 2013 by Hugh Whittall
At the end of last year Nature Medicine listed a timeline of the top stories of 2012. Amongst them w...
Why does Responsible Innovation need public ethics?
13 Apr 2013 by Peter Mills
In this post, Pete Mills reflects on elaborations of the concept of Responsible Innovation in the UK...