On 28 January 2014 the Council held a roundtable scoping meeting to help explore and establish the major ethical and societal questions raised by the increasing use of cosmetic procedures.

The aim of this roundtable meeting was to bring together a range of experts to advise the Nuffield Council on Bioethics about how it might usefully contribute to debates surrounding cosmetic procedures and related discussions of body modification, beauty and normalness.

Participants included academics from the fields of social anthropology, ethics, psychology, clinical medicine, childhood studies and appearance studies; representatives from charities and campaigning organisations; artists, art academics and art advisors; Government officials; and practitioners, such as GPs, aesthetics surgeons and nurses.

The Council will discuss the key issues and themes that emerged at its next meeting in April 2014.

Download a note of the meeting (PDF 62KB)

Read this related blog post 'Are we making good choices about cosmetic procedures?'

abstract image of cosmetic procedures