Council seeks new Chair
The Trustees of the Nuffield Foundation are seeking to appoint a Chair of the Nuffield Council on Bioethics, to succeed Professor Albert Weale, who retires in 2012.
The Council was established in 1991 with a remit to identify, examine and report on ethical questions raised by recent advances in biological and medical research. It is jointly funded by the Foundation, the Medical Research Council and the Wellcome Trust, but works independently. It has a staff of eleven.
The Council is currently undertaking a fundamental strategic review in which it will set out its vision and plans for the coming years. The incoming Chair will be expected to play a full part in that review, and to lead the Council in its implementation.
Expressions of interest are invited from people with the appropriate experience, public standing and independence to chair the Council for a period of up to five years. Nominations would also be welcome. The time commitment varies, but averages three days a month. The post carries an honorarium of £7,000.
Please write in confidence before Friday 18 November 2011, enclosing a brief CV, or with your nomination, to the Director of the Nuffield Foundation, 28 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3JS, or email to