The first meeting of the Council’s new Working Group on genome editing, chaired by Dr Andy Greenfield, took place on Monday 7 September.At this meeting, members formally accepted the terms of reference for the project, which are:

  • To identify and define ethical questions relating to developments in genome editing research.
  • To review institutional, national and international policies and provisions relevant to genome editing, and to assess their current and likely future significance.
  • To deliberate and to draw conclusions, as appropriate, about the nature of the ethical questions raised and how they might most suitably be addressed.
  • To report on these matters and to make recommendations, as appropriate, for further initiatives by the Council or by other identified bodies, or for the development or revision of policy or legislation.

The Group also discussed plans for evidence gathering which will include a review of the literature around the ethics of genome editing, an open call for evidence (which will be announced soon) and fact finding meetings to gain insights from genome sciences, biosecurity, social justice, disability studies and faith perspectives among others.To register your interest in being involved with this project please email, or subscribe to our newsletter to be kept informed about this work as it progresses.Find out more about our work on genome editing
