We are pleased to announce that five new members have been appointed to the Council:

Professor Sian Harding

Professor of Cardiac Pharmacology at the National Heart And Lung Institute, a Division of the Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College London. Member of the Central Ethical Review Committee for Animal Studies and a Designated Person for administration of the Human Tissue Act. Scientific interests include gene and cell therapy for heart disease.

Professor Ray Hill FMedSci

Ray Hill is Head of Licensing and External Research for Europe at Merck, Sharp and Dohme and is responsible for establishing mutually beneficial relationships with European companies and academic institutions across all therapeutic and technology areas . He is a pharmacologist with a special interest in pain and headache research and is a Visiting Professor at Bristol, Surrey and Stathclyde Universities. Currently, he is a non-executive Director of the Babraham Institute, Cambridge and chairs the External Affairs Committee of the British Pharmacological Society.

Professor Alison Murdoch

Professor of Reproductive Medicine, Consultant Gynaecologist and Head of the NHS Newcastle Fertility Centre at Life. Currently involved in setting clinical standards, embryo research, stem cell derivation and the associated practical, political and ethical issues.

Dr Bronwyn Parry

Reader in Geography at Queen Mary, University of London. Bronwyn is an economic and cultural geographer interested in the way human-environment relations are being recast by technological, economic and regulatory changes. Research topics include the political economy of the life sciences industry, the commodification and patenting of life forms, bioethics, and the creation and use of human tissue banks. She has acted as consultant to the UK government and the UN.

Professor Nikolas Rose

James Martin White Professor of Sociology at the London School of Economics and Political Science, and Director of the LSE's BIOS Centre for the Study of Bioscience, Biomedicine, Biotechnology and Society. Initially trained as a biologist and psychologist. His current research is on the social and political implications of the new sciences of the brain.
