25 Apr 23
The future of ageing
This report sets out an ethical framework and recommendations for research and innovation related to ageing.
We are delighted to announce the start of a new deliberative public dialogue exploring views on the future of ageing.
We have commissioned this dialogue as part of our in-depth inquiry on ageing which is due to publish at the end of this year. Following a competitive tender process, Britain Thinks, an insight and strategy consultancy have been appointed to run this dialogue for us.
The first workshop with members of the public takes place across this weekend and a further two workshops will be completed later this month.
The public dialogue follows a number of smaller engagement workshops that we have designed and run including working with diverse older people in Bristol, Manchester, and West Bromwich. They have explored older people’s views on how health and wellbeing technologies and geroscience might, or might not, support them to live well in older age. Earlier this week we held a workshop with the Growing Older with Learning Disabilities in Greater Manchester project (GM Gold) where we explored participants views on geroscience and designed technologies that would help them as they grow older.
The public dialogue is expected to involve around 24 members of the public and will explore people’s views on the recommendations and findings we are preparing for policymakers and other stakeholders on the key issues addressed by our in-depth inquiry. This will help us to ensure that we are advocating policy changes that are ethical, rational, informed and inclusive of public views and values.