The Council has published new teaching resources based on its report on the ethical issues arising from new types of ‘personalised healthcare'.

This set of resources includes three case studies:
  • Personal genetic profiling- people can pay for a DNA-analysis service to find out their personal susceptibility to certain diseases and conditions

  • Buying medicines online - a range of medicines are available to order on the internet, either with, or without a prescription

  • Health information websites - the internet offers new ways for people to find and share health information, advice and diagnosis

Download the free resources.

The materials have been designed for Key Stage 3 and above in science, ICT, PHSE and philosophy. In science for example, they could be used for teaching on How Science Works.

Each case study includes lesson notes, suggested activities and discussion questions for students to explore the ethical questions that arise and the decisions people face when using these types of health services.

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The resource was produced by the Council’s Education Advisory Group.

The Council has also produced resources on the following bioethics subjects: