The Council has a broad membership which is revisited from time to time to ensure that it includes the appropriate experience and expertise. The Council is now seeking applications for new academic and non-academic members. We would be pleased to consider candidates from all relevant areas, and would be particularly interested to hear from those with a background in:

  • Theology

  • Law

  • Basic science

  • Clinical science

Candidates need not be directly involved in the field of bioethics, but they should be able to demonstrate an interest and appreciation of the issues. Please note that the applications are invited in the form of a brief statement of interest, outlining why you are interested in joining the Council, accompanied by a short curriculum vitae. These should be sent to the Director at the email address provided below. The closing date for submissions is Monday 29 September 2014. We would welcome applications from a broad range of individuals and from people at all stages of their careers.

For more information about the Council and its processes, please see the How the Council works section of this website. If you would like first to talk informally about the Council and how it works, please feel free to contact:

Carol Perkins 020 7681 9619 Email:

Role, time commitment and expenses

The Council is a deliberative body of approximately 20 appointed individuals including experts in science, medicine, social science, philosophy, law and lay members. The main roles of a Council member include:

  • deciding on the future work programme and selecting new topics

  • scrutinising and ensuring the quality of reports

  • making decisions on the direction, function and membership of the organisation

Our members usually attend about six meetings a year. In addition to quarterly meetings and the annual ‘Forward Look’ seminar, other events that members are invited to attend might include workshops to explore whether a particular topic should be considered further by the Council, steering group meetings or subgroup meetings (see the About section for more information on subgroups). Some meetings will involve reviewing substantial documents and so a certain amount of background reading and preparation will often be necessary.

There may also be the possibility of becoming the member of a working party, which would increase the number of meetings involved and the amount of background reading.

Members do not receive remuneration, but reasonable travel expenses are paid.
