The Nuffield Council on Bioethics has published its Strategic Plan for 2018 – 2022.The plan sets out our aims, objectives and work programmes for the next five years, led by four overarching strategic goals:

  • We will engage and involve relevant stakeholders in our work.
  • We will contribute effectively to public and policy debates through a diverse portfolio of work.
  • We will build on our experience, reputation and body of work.
  • We will situate our work within a context of social change, international collaboration, and biomedical advances.

Professor David Archard, Chair of the Council, said, “Over the next five years we are committed to building on our well-established reputation as the UK’s best source of independent and rigorous advice on bioethics to enhance our influence both in the UK and internationally. In times of fast-moving biomedical scientific progress, our strategic goals will guide us and inform our vital work in providing distinctive, timely and valuable contributions to policy and public debate.” Hugh Whittall, Director of the Council, said, “This plan explains how we intend to develop over the coming period with a core of six work programmes - horizon scanning, active responsive programme, in-depth inquiries, external relations, governance and evaluation. We will continue to initiate new and major projects but with more flexibility to respond rapidly to emerging questions and contexts at the right time.”

The Strategic Plan has been developed following the successful completion of the Council’s funding bid for the period 2018–2022.To request a printed copy of the Strategic Plan, please email
