Council holds stakeholder meeting on children and clinical research
The Council’s new Working Party on children and clinical research held a stakeholder meeting on Wednesday 17 July. Guests included young people and parents with a strong interest in or personal experience of participating in clinical research, as well as health care professionals and representatives from interest groups.
The aim of this meeting was to hear stakeholders’ views at an early stage of the project on how the Working Party should take its work forward. Guests were invited to share their own experience of being involved in research and what they see as the most important ethical challenges in research in children. They also contributed their knowledge of how clinical research in children is regulated, and suggestions for changes to improve governance and practice.This session will be followed by a series of fact finding meetings with a wide range of people including clinicians, researchers, funders, regulators and other professionals.Find out more about our project on children and clinical research.Sign up to receive further e-news about this project.