31 Mar 2020 Ethics in the research response to COVID-19 - a Nuffield Council on Bioethics webinar Join us and experts from the UK, US and Brazil for a discussion on how research can be undertaken ethically during the emergency response to COVID-19.
27 Mar 2020 Rolling repository of COVID-19 ethics resources forms part of Nuffield Council’s response to pandemic As part of our responsive activities to COVID-19, we have launched a repository of resources on ethical aspects of the pandemic.
23 Mar 2020 Nuffield Council appoints new members We are delighted to announce the appointment of five new members of the Nuffield Council on Bioethics.
17 Mar 2020 New briefing: Responding to the COVID-19 pandemic - ethical considerations The Nuffield Council on Bioethics has published a new policy briefing. It setting out the key ethical considerations relevant to public health measures being introduced to manage the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK.
17 Mar 2020 COVID-19: adapting our working environment During this time, we are continuing with our programme of work as much as we’re able, while recognising that we may need to adapt as the situation changes.
12 Mar 2020 Job opportunity – Programme Manager We are looking for a Programme Manager to join our team in London. The deadline for applications is 17:00 on Monday 30 March.
03 Mar 2020 Joint statement on the ethics of heritable human genome editing We - jointly with the French and German ethics councils - call on governments and stakeholders around the world to put ethical considerations at the core of any future discussion and of the development of global governance of heritable genome editing.
03 Mar 2020 Press release: Joint Statement of Ethics Councils from France, Germany and the United Kingdom on the Ethics of Human Heritable Genome Editing Governments and stakeholders around the world are urged to put ethical considerations at the centre of any developments in global governance of heritable human genome editing, in a new statement published today.