We are delighted to be inviting tenders to deliver a public dialogue on the future of ageing.

This dialogue will be a key part of our current major inquiry exploring ethical and social questions in relation to the role of science and technology in helping people live well in old age.

There is an increasing interest in the role that biomedical research and technological innovation – for example, developments in assistive and communication technologies, and research into the science of ageing (geroscience) - can play in helping people live well in old age, and in helping society respond appropriately to the age shift in population. These developments offer scope for important future benefits, both for individuals and for wider society, however they also raise significant ethical questions.

Our inquiry is supported by an interdisciplinary working group, and an important part of this work has been engaging with members of the public through a number of engagement workshops we have designed and run with members of the working group. So far these have included working with diverse groups of older people in Bristol, Manchester, and West Bromwich, including those with lived experience of racial, health, and other inequalities.

We now want to build on this engagement with a public dialogue, to seek wider input on the provisional findings of the project and to help us develop recommendations for policy makers and other stakeholders on the key issues addressed by the inquiry.

The public dialogue will take place over the summer months. We aim to publish the findings of our inquiry, including the findings of this dialogue, in late 2022.

The invitation to tender is available here. The closing date for applications is 14 April 2022. If you have any questions about the tender process, please contact Molly Gray on mgray@nuffieldbioethics.org.
