The future of ageing


Published 25/04/2023

Cover ageing report

This report sets out an ethical framework and recommendations for research and innovation related to ageing.

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Evidence gathering

Call for evidence analysis

In summer 2021, we ran an open call for evidence, which received 21 responses. We published a document providing an analysis of responses, excluding two responses that were submitted without permission to publish or analyse.

You can download the call for evidence analysis here.

Practitioner survey summary

During the summer of 2021, we launched an anonymous survey aimed at practitioners who work with older people. We have published a document that draws together the key themes from the survey and illustrates them with quotes taken from the practitioners’ responses.

Download the practitioner survey summary here.


A background paper was written in September 2020 to provide an overview of the key challenges associated with an ageing population, the role of science and technology, and the key ethical issues in relation to the role of science and technology in helping people live well in old age.
