Independent review: Disagreements in the care of critically ill children


Published 18/09/2023

An independent review of disagreements in the care of critically ill children.

Infant foot with IV line
Why we’re undertaking surveys

As part of our independent review, we are seeking information from those who have professional experience of disagreements about the care of critically ill children. This information will help us to better understand why such disagreements happen; what makes them worse; what impact they have on those involved and what good practice looks like in managing them.

By disagreements, we mean breakdowns of communication or differences of opinion between families and healthcare professionals that cannot be immediately resolved.

All survey responses we receive will help us to identify key themes and make recommendations to either prevent disagreements from happening or, where they can’t be prevented, ensure they are resolved as quickly, collaboratively, and as compassionately as possible. The themes we identify from the review and our recommendations will be laid before Parliament in a report by 1 October 2023.
